“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
-Abraham Lincoln
To create your financial future, we at JMH Wealth Management, begin by getting to know you and exactly what matters to you – today and for the future. In our holistic approach, we work cooperatively with your tax, insurance, and legal advisors to ensure that appropriate life cycle documents are in place and up to date, and also to gain a finer viewpoint of your world today and how you envision it to be down the road.
But that is just the beginning. Life has many cycles, twists, and turns. We continue to work with you throughout the common lifecycle stages, and as you transition through each stage, we analyze and adjust the focus to ensure your financial plan remains appropriate for your age, risk tolerance, and goals. Should life throw you a curveball along the journey, we are there for you as well, to provide guidance and solutions for your financial future.
You’re different. Your needs are different, your wants are different, your expectations are different – from everyone else. Where you are in your life cycle today dictates those differences.
We believe understanding your differences from the very beginning provides us with the seeds to plant a successful plan for your financial future.
While managing money is intellectually stimulating and challenging, the true enjoyment and sense of fulfillment in our profession comes from working collaboratively with you. Managing money, for us, is all about helping our clients’ establish sensible investment goals and assist them in achieving their dreams as they transit the cycles of their lives.
ESG – Environment | Social | Corporate Governance
ESG refers to the three central factors in measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a company or business. These criteria help to better determine the future financial performance of companies (return and risk).
For over ten years, selected clients have requested that we screen investments for various socially responsible criteria, as defined by our client. Additionally, our firm’s founder was solely responsible for the portfolio management and investment strategy of a no-load, socially responsible, common stock mutual fund for nearly eight years. We have the experience and expertise to apply socially responsible screens to your accounts, if desired.
Life Cycle Investing – Seeing the Forest Through the Trees
Prudent financial planning requires knowing one’s client, understanding their current needs, their future desires, and their risk tolerance. While every client’s needs and desires are unique and different, there are common life cycle stages for most people. Which stage are you currently at?